Wednesday, December 5, 2007

House 1 Eighth Grade Core Teachers have been meeting with students to introduce a unique opportunity especially designed for those seeking to distinguish themselves as exemplary. This is a completely optional program--it is for the student to take the initiative to make their desire yo participate known.

The guidelines necessary to successfully complete the Ph.D. candidacy are:

1. Academic Achievement: The Ph.D. candidate recognizes the value of hard work. All Ph.D. candidates’s must have an overall GPA of 3.2 with no individual grade below a ‘B’.

2. Work Ethic: The Ph.D. candidate realizes the value of being reliable. All Ph.D. candidates must be current on all assignments. Aside from absences, there can be no back work due in any class.

3. Service: The Ph.D. candidate sees the value of lifting up others. All Ph.D. candidates will complete a minimum of 8 hours of service to other students. This may take the form of tutoring 6th, 7th, or 8th grade students, helping another student make up a lab, serve as a special assistant to a teacher for a project, or providing community service in some other area of your life. There are many different opportunities to provide service to others and it’s a great feeling when you help other people.

4. Character: The Ph.D. candidate recognizes the need for tolerance and cooperation. All Ph.D. candidates can have no disciplinary referrals.

5. Leadership: The Ph.D. candidate recognizes the importance of being a role model. All Ph.D. candidates will provide one letter of recommendation from one non-related adult attesting to your character and positive influence you have on others. This can be from a coach, staff member other than your teachers, religious leader, civic organization, etc.

6. Parental Support: The Ph.D. candidate realizes that there are many individuals, including their family, invested in their achievement. All Ph.D. candidates must get the approval of their parents before beginning this outstanding program.

So how does a lad or lass sign-up? How does a scholar-in-training let the team know that they are interested?

The first step is to accept the challenge or excellence and speak with a team core teacher (Mr. Gigliotti, Ms. Wallace, Mr. Ebersole or Mr. Scott) who will, in turn, become your advisor for the Ph.D. program. They will then assist you in formally beginning your journey to Eighth Grade Excellence!

Friday, November 2, 2007


Thanks to the students who brought in their bandannas and hats for our The Red Pony "Athena Reads" photo shoot. (Eighth graders will be reading an excerpt entitled "The Gift" from John Steinbeck's book later in the year.)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Athena (and Mr. Ebersole) Reads!

Rumor has it that all sports memorabilia that references any past New York Yankees Championships is becoming exceedingly rare ;)

Friday, October 5, 2007


This is the "official" blog of the House 1 Eighth grade Greece Athena Middle school team. Please click the links to go directly to the teacher pages.